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Antenatal Class - Birth Prep in English // JULY 19.7.2024 15:00 - 18:00

Kosten: 90 €
Kursleiterin: Angela Schweiger
Beschreibung: In this antenatal birth preparation class I invite pregnant women and couples to learn about birth. We talk about what to expect, how to deal with contractions, what's important to prepare and also about things that come up in postpartum. Also we're gonna talk about breastfeeding and how to hold a baby. This class can be seen as a crash course, it is short and holds all the important information. You can come alone or accompanied by your partner (price per couple).

Plätze vorhanden

Antenatal Class - Birth Prep in English // SEPTEMBER 27.9.2024 15:00 - 18:00

Kosten: 90 €
Kursleiterin: Angela Schweiger
Beschreibung: In this antenatal birth preparation class I invite pregnant women and couples to learn about birth. We talk about what to expect, how to deal with contractions, what's important to prepare and also about things that come up in postpartum. Also we're gonna talk about breastfeeding and how to hold a baby. This class can be seen as a crash course, it is short and holds all the important information. You can come alone or accompanied by your partner (price per couple).

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